Certain software delivered as part of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server may require an external contract.Check the support status of individual packages using the RPM metadata that can be viewed with rpm, zypper, or YaST.
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When attempting to run virt-install on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 for IBM Zthe command may fail with the error "Host does not support any virtualization options".Install the latest qemu package from the update repository to fix thisproblem.
Berkeley DB, used as a database in certain packages, is dual-licensed under GNUAGPLv3/Sleepycat licenses. Because service vendors that redistribute ourpackages could find packages with these licenses potentially detrimental totheir solutions, we have decided to remove Berkeley DB as a dependency fromthese packages. In the long term, SUSE aims to provide a solution withoutBerkeley DB. 2ff7e9595c